Here our family and friends can follow our adventures traveling the world! Här kan ni följa med på vår resa genom Amerika, central Amerika, tropiska öar och slutdestinationen Australien..

Monte verde - ziplining

Kategori: Allmänt

So after a few weeks along the Caribbean coast we made our way to Monteverde in the Costa Rican mountains. we have quickly worked out that all tourist shuttles and buses are a crazy rip off charging upto 50 times the price of public (chicken) buses. For example to get to monteverde from Cahuita with the tourist bus cost 80 US and takes about 6 hours. We took two local buses that cost a couple of dollars each and about 8 hours. San José is a piece of shit we got there first bus out... Little Påågy couldn't find any food so ate ice cream and candy all day :)
Tänkte tillägga att jag åt bröd med mjukost också, inte bara godis.
Found a great hostel right in town for 8US each a night with a hotel type room and great home cooked breaky! Dom and we cooked up another great creamy pasta while I spend 6 hours applying for bloody jobs. only having one full day in Monteverde we booked in a full day of Ziplining, hiking and climbing a big tree :)
Little Påågy kitted up and ready to go! cost 40 US and they drove us upto the mountain and then back after 19 zip lines including the longest in the Americas of 1000 meters, a massive Tarzan swing and some real nice hiking through the jungle.
views were pretty amazing of the surrounding mountains and volcano.
abseiling like a pro!
Monkey man
Dom and Påågy made me go first but i didnt realise you dont step off they actually push you off the edge. Because my legs were too long I almost kicked the dude down the bottom in the head.  Måste säga att ansiktsuttrycken på resterande i gruppen var obeskrivligt underhållande att titta på när de blev puttade ut för stupet.(vi som redan klarat tarzan gungan med livet i behåll satt i säkerthet nedanför)
Just being cool... (Check out creepo dude on the left)
Our little half Kiwi half Swiss travel buddy! Can't seem to get rid of him.
Påågy looking sexy getting kitted up for the 1000m superman zipline. på riktigt, jag typ vägrade sätta upp fötterna i selarna för jag var så rädd att åka iväg så guiden blev lite sur...
A really great experience it really felt like you were flying because you couldn't see the lines above you only the view below...


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