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The lost city of Yaxchilan

Kategori: Allmänt

We had an early start and set off for the border town of Frontera Corazol. A local wooden motor boat was waiting to take us to the lost city of Yaxchilan. We took the boat through the river located in between Guatemala and Mexico and we were suprised there was not much of boarder protection, but the guide explained that it is free passing from Guatemala to Mexico and the other way around. Though no one goes from Mexico to Guatemala, everyone passes to Mexico trying to enter America for the American dream. 
This river was filled with crocodiles sunbathing on the beach, so no swimming for us! It is the biggest river in Mexico.
The lost city of Yaxchilan, the city you only can visit by boat or helicopter...just a tiny bit discovered and restored, the rest is still waiting to be discovered, but too little money and time. It's very beautiful to see how the nature take back the ruins.
This tree was very important for the Mayan People. They thought it reached all the way to heaven and it's roots all the way to the underworld and it was their connection to the sun. They also thought that when the sun goes down every night it fights the creatures in the underworld and when it rises in the morning it means it won the battle, and one day the sun will be defeated and the sun won't rise ever again. They praised the sun as their God. 
We entered the ruins and walked underneath in the dark tunnels. Bats everywhere, this one we got a good picture of before he flew into the dark.
Disgruntled Mayans who were angered at the gods came back to the city after it was abandoned and removed the heads from all the statues of their former rulers.
Inside the ruins the beautiful paintings are very well preserved for being hundreds of years old. This one is picturing a big party celebrating a bwttle against their neighbors.
On top, there is always the Gods and the priests, and in the middle the warriors and at the bottom the slaves poorly dressed, working with guards watching their every step.
When we walked back we saw this adorable ant road filled with ants carrying green litte leaves. It was as long as we could see in both directions.


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