Here our family and friends can follow our adventures traveling the world! Här kan ni följa med på vår resa genom Amerika, central Amerika, tropiska öar och slutdestinationen Australien..

Party In Los Angeles

Kategori: Allmänt

Arriving to LA from the airport, flea market, dinner at the hostel and out for a BIG night out! We met two australian dudes at the hostel and we decided to go for a limo-ride around LA to see the Hollywood sign and mix our own cosmopolitans in red plastic cups. It was me and nine boys, that have become normal during this trip. not many girls, though this hostel was the worst, I was kind of the only girl at the whole hostel. Anyway.. We had a great time and the limo driver stops outside a bar he reckons is the best a wednesday night in LA...
I run over the street in my heels bought at forever 21 in Dublin, not the best quality, and ofcourse the heels breaks!!! I can't walk.. We thought the night was over but then these two amazing security guards saved the night with some super glue and a lighter. I gave them a rose later on that night which I got from a girl but that's another story,,  
we can't believe it's so expensive after being in Central America for so long and being spoiled with cheap drinks, but we party on.
Found a mechanic bull, no one took the challenge though, it wasn't the best party place so me Matthew and Simon grabbed a cab from the street, left the others and searched on google: best place to party in LA on a Wednesday.. Avalon--> that's where we're going..
well Avalon was an experience. The guard explained he didn't feel it was our night and we should go home but after telling him our story and that we were definitely going in he wished us good luck with a smile and a warning. Not sure what he was on about we stepped in to realize we were the only white people in a massive LA club. So fuck it we went straight to the dance floor and started making friends. Ended up a sick night meeting many African American celebrities there and getting a lift to some after party thing with the chick in the pic (who looked like she was living out of her car)


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