Here our family and friends can follow our adventures traveling the world! Här kan ni följa med på vår resa genom Amerika, central Amerika, tropiska öar och slutdestinationen Australien..

Dinner in San Blas

Kategori: Allmänt

Early morning trawling off the back of the yacht, the first one got away by jumping out of the water and landing on the line before we could stop the boat... 
Captain Youyou doing the dirty work..
proud catch bogong off to the kitchen!
our friend Ella playing with tonight's dinner
Bought crays and crabs from the local Kuna people who apparently don't eat them. Cost about 30US for about 20 crays and 10 crabs...
Was a bit of a luxury to be fed 3 massive meals a day for 5 days. the cook made fresh lemonade or ice tea everyday and there was piles of fresh fruit all over the boat. Between that and the Cuba libre its fair to say we stepped off the boat carrying a little extra weight! 


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