Here our family and friends can follow our adventures traveling the world! Här kan ni följa med på vår resa genom Amerika, central Amerika, tropiska öar och slutdestinationen Australien..

Ometepe - little Morgans

Kategori: Allmänt

We were shocked when we came to the hostel by the beautiful nature and all the animals running around in the garden. There were talking bird, dogs, pigs, cats, hummingbirds, monkeys, squirel looking things and nasty roosters. We even has a guest scorpion and tarantula in our bathroom...
The walkway to our little cabin 
We first got a room that barely fit one bed and had old palm leaves full of ants and spiders as walls. When I realized there were more lizards climbing on the bed than in the jungle we changed our room to this cute cabin with our own shower and bathroom. That turned out to be a really good move.
A sick story:
When I came to the island I noticed a pain down my lower back and it only got worse. A couple who lived in another cabin were osteopaths and took a look at my back and told me the best thing is to rest. So I rest for two days but woke up in pain and terrible cramps. I couldn't keep either water or food so we decided to contact a doctor. Matthew ran around everywhere to find a phone, he called just to hear that the only good doctor on the island is leaving the island!!!! and we have one hour to get to the hospital. The really nice owner of the hostel gave us a ride to the hospital and matthew carried me around everywhere, i was way to weak to walk. At the little and very dirty hospital i got a needle to stop puke and then we had to go to another doctor who could take my blood tests. He wasn't there so the taxi driver who was a lot of help took us to a childrens hospital where I waited and waited, took blod test and found out that I had a really bad kidney infection, my one kidney only worked with 30%. Mucho problema was the only thing the poor taxi driver said when he saw the results and tried to translate to us from spanish. The doctor wanted me to stay but matthew refused to leave me there at that dirty hospital with stray dogs running around in the corridors.
We got needles and antibiotics for a week which the doctor thought matthew could help me take every day in my bum. Aochhhh! Never! So the taxi driver drove us to another "clinic" with roosters running around and a lady came out and took my blood in the car, didn't even have to go out. (What a service?) I got antibiotics in pills! Finally! 
Rooster dancing on our breakfast table. 
These cute pigs looked after me when I was sick, they came to our cabin and looked in a couple of times a day. The first night I found them sleeping like this behind the bar, aaaaaaw, look at their smiles:))
Matthew all dressed up for our first dinner out at Ometepe. He found the four months old puppy sleeping in the hammock when we came back to the hostel and couldnt resist get in for a snuggle. (Note his mustache, now all guys are trying to grow one, OH NO!! ) 
haha Dom playing Simba with one of the stray dogs
evrynight we had any leftover food we just left it outside our room for the poor stray dogs that are all so skinny.
My antibiotics and one of the needles. It's not a little one either, explains why I couldn't sit down properly for a week........


  • Tom säger:

    Jonna, nu är jag lite sen att kommentera här (tar igen lite uteblivet bloggkollande), men yiikees vilken läskig story med njurgrejen!! Lät helt hemskt, man är ju inte så kaxig i såna lägen, men vad skönt att det löste sig med antibiotikan... Hade en lite liknande upplevelse i Australien med två dagars sjukhusvistelse som följd, men då var det ju på ett högstandardsjukhus i Sydney. Vill inte tänka på hur det hade varit under omständigheterna ovan... ;)

    Kan också meddela att du fått en liten kusin här hemma, en än så länge namnlös liten herre som är go, lugn och stencool. Ni får catch up sen när du kommer hem. Ha en fortsatt grym resa nu, det ser helt sjukt nice ut än så länge! //oncle Tom

    2013-10-21 | 09:39:08

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