Here our family and friends can follow our adventures traveling the world! Här kan ni följa med på vår resa genom Amerika, central Amerika, tropiska öar och slutdestinationen Australien..

Nicaragua - San Juan Del Sur - Surfing day

Kategori: Allmänt

Crossing the Costa Rica-Nicaragua border was a bit of a laugh. The Costa Rican side takes a few minutes in a nice air conditioned building that had a big flat screen playing the rugby and security everywhere. As you walk the 1km to the Nica border you are constantly harassed for all sorts from taxi, money exchange and so called border crossing assistants. At the border there are fake officials trying to force you to pay a manicipality tax (most people do just so they leave you alone) when we finally found the immigration office even the official there tried to rip us off taking about 20 mins of arguing for her to finally give in and charge us the correct fee...
we shared a taxi from the border to San Juan Del Sur suppressed to see massive wind farms all along the coast and a really good quality freeway.
First day in San Juan we heading to a southern surf beach with about 8 mates for the day. Not big but really perfect waves 3-4ft. I gave Påågy her first surf lesson though it was tough for her with rocks underneath she did really well almost standing up!
Dom posing
 Juan floating about on his first time surfing
Our Swedish friend Nasim and her handsome Argentinian man
Picnic lunch on the beach. Though as always Påågy gave most of her food to the starving stray dogs :)
Great day with good mates only to return and have the board rental guys try and screw us for broken fins which Wasn't us. Apparently they do it everyday threatening tourist with violence and calling the police if they don't pay ridiculous prices for fake damage. Really stupid business people as we would have rented from them for another 5 days so they lost a heap of business...


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