Here our family and friends can follow our adventures traveling the world! Här kan ni följa med på vår resa genom Amerika, central Amerika, tropiska öar och slutdestinationen Australien..

Nicaragua - granada

Kategori: Allmänt

As soon as Pååg was well enough to travel I moved her to a nice place called oasis in Granada where she could rest with a decent hospital nearby.
Granada is a beautiful old colonial town, the gem of Nicaragua, because it was privy to Spanish gold trade as it lies on Lake Nicaragua.
Police car - absolute village. There is a real lack of police presence in Nicaragua compared to other Central American countries.
My little friend.
A morning boat trip to the islets with our South African friends Dean and Candice.
sunset from the church bell tower.
I went up with a Dutch photographer we met who gave me a good hour lesson on using the camera.
book exchange at the garden cafe while Påågy slees off a food coma in the hammock. 
Ontop of Masaya Volcano.
Sulfur gases released from the volcano mean you can only spend 5 mins at the volcano crator before the coughing fits start.
So the story behind this volcano visit is a long one... So in very short Dom and I booked a night tour of lava tubes into the active volcano where you are supposed to see lava glowing and a stop at the Masaya Markets. All going fine on the half hour drive until we arrived and the tour wasn't booked and the volcano park was closing in 5 minutes. So we drove another half hour back and naturally didn't pay the balance of the tour. To this the guide wasn't happy so after extensive arguments trying to explain we left. An hour later I had the police knocking on my room door saying I had to pay 50 US or be arrested. After some help translating from the hotel staff the police officer told me the tour guide is a dick and he would pay him a visit in the morning to tell him so... 


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