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Léon - volcano boarding

Kategori: Allmänt

Hipp, hipp hurray it's Matthew's birthday today! First up - volcano boarding down a living volcano. 
just started the hike up the volcano 
Tobi and Dom 
Halfway there, the heat from both the volcano and the sun made the one hour hike much tougher.
A big crater, the guide told us to dig a little hole in the ground just where we're standing and feel the heat from the volcano with our hands. Very hot! Some people actually bring food to cook on top of the volcano.
excited and scared we're having a group photo before riding down the volcano.
And here we go! After riding down the volcano we had black rocks everywhere, in our ears, noses, hair, and even in our underwear. But it was so fun so we did the hike up the volcano a second time just to try again:) 


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