Here our family and friends can follow our adventures traveling the world! Här kan ni följa med på vår resa genom Amerika, central Amerika, tropiska öar och slutdestinationen Australien..

Lagon de Apollo

Kategori: Allmänt

After spending three nights in Granada we took a shuttle to paradise. A good place to rest and get my energy back (and have amazing breakfasts like this!) The first day we canoed to the other side of the blue lagoon, where we stayed for a while to watch the monkeys play high up in the trees. What seemed to be a 1hour trip took us at least four hours and poor Matthew paddled as never before. 
This night we had the luck to see the lightening strike down in the blue lagoon several times while having some drinks with a Canadian couple. (non-alcoholic for me ofcourse) 
On our way to a market we couldn't find we met a local guy and his wife and we had to ask for the way. They told us to follow them and so we did. After a while we headed onto a little djungle road which lead us further and further up a huge mountain. 
After 30 minutes walking uphill we asked how long it would take until we reach the market, all of us dripping of sweat. Maybe 20 minutes answers the very happy local.
Finally when we reached the top 1 hour and 20 minutes later we realized that this wasn't the market we were looking for, actually it wasn't a market at all. Instead we found a cute little town, the hometown of the local guy and his wife. He had to walk up the mountain twice a day. I must say I feel sorry for him!!
From the little mountain town we enjoyed the view of the blue lagoon. 
Exhausted after the big walk and in a food coma we took a tuktuk back to our hostel:)


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