Here our family and friends can follow our adventures traveling the world! Här kan ni följa med på vår resa genom Amerika, central Amerika, tropiska öar och slutdestinationen Australien..

Utila- pirate island

Kategori: Allmänt

our hostel organized a pirate beach party at a private island. 
The diving crew! 
you could find all sort of rubbish at the other side of the island. Unfortunately the locals from the mainland don't take care of their rubbish and everything floats up and stays on the beautiful islands. But we were happy, we found a wheelbarrow....
 ...and matthew found a pink plastic chair that matched his hat;)
Our friend Connor from Ireland got tired of the beach and brought his beer table out in the ocean.
When the sun set over the ocean we waded our way back to the boat.
Happy pirates!! 


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