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Tikal ruins

Kategori: Allmänt

Very sadly we had to say goodbye to our hero Clint leaving him in Semuc as he had to get back to Guatemala City while we boarded yet another shitty long busride to Flores. Though we did pick up a new travel buddy from Australia/Japan named Natasha :) When we finally approached Flores the mini bus pulled over on the freeway next to another mini bus with a group of shady looking characters who started pulling our bags into their bus telling us to get in and they would take us to our hostel. This was obviously a ploy to rob or rip us off so we told our driver to keep driving who refused to because as we later found out he was paid off to leave us there. Being a large group of 12 with are new Isreali buddies we took our bags back and just walked the last 2km. They explained at the hostel that this is a really common way for locals to either rob tourists or take them to overpriced hostels where they get large commissions.
We stayed for two nights at Los Amigos hostel which was super busy with a very cool vibe! Put about 5kg of washing in for about 4 US and booked a private tour to Tikal with our Isreali friends.
Its really hard to find words to describe Tikal which is the giant of the ancient Mayan world. The biggest city and centre of the Mayan world that was home to over 100,000 people. 
Mayan people still use the temples of the Tikal site to make sacrifices to their gods, including bleeding out and burning various animals.
Our guide was super passionate explaining everything possible about the Mayan way of life and what life would have been like living in the city of Tikal.
The crew!
One of the main pyramids.
The view from the highest temple in Tikal.


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