Here our family and friends can follow our adventures traveling the world! Här kan ni följa med på vår resa genom Amerika, central Amerika, tropiska öar och slutdestinationen Australien..

Semuc Champey

Kategori: Allmänt

After a massive night out with Clint, Tobias and our Danish buddies we packed our little snack bags and buckled in for a massive 16 hour bus ride from San Pedro to Semuc Chempey. We arrived exhausted late at night in the pouring rain to be mobbed by about 30 men yelling and screaming and taking our bags trying to get us to go to their hostels. We all decided to go to a hostel called El Retiro because it was on the river.
Very excited on our way to the caves where we swim, climb and wade through underground caves using only candlelight. It was still amazing but a bit of a let down that we had 30 people with only two guides. It was pretty dangerous in there we were honestly surprised nobody drowned or got lost. We then went tubing down a river and jumped from a massive bridge into the rapids.
We then climbed about an hour to the mirador for this amazing view of the pools.
The crew! All sweaty and dirty after the days adventures...
Enjoying the view
Messing around at the entrance point where the river enters the caves! It's humbling to see and feel the power of the rapids it really makes you respect the river.
Tobias taking creepy photos of us while we chill out in the most beautiful pools.


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