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Belize - Caye Calker

Kategori: Allmänt

Booked a very early bus to Belize City where we then took a boat to Caye Caulker.
Crossing the boarder from Guatemala to Belize. Was really nice to step into an English speaking country. Although our Spanish is sufficient for traveling now it's great to be able to really get to know locals and be able to make jokes and hear if people are talking about you ;)
Excited on the boat ride to Caye Caulker.
We walked around with a crazy old rusta dude who helped us find a great little hotel right on the beach! For a little commission of course :)
Straight away we went for some food and a big walk around the little island and straight away real showed that this is the right place for us!
There are 3 main streets the front, middle and back, with some side streets like this one.
This is the view from the Main Street. No cars, no shoes, no shirt, no worries ;)


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