Here our family and friends can follow our adventures traveling the world! Här kan ni följa med på vår resa genom Amerika, central Amerika, tropiska öar och slutdestinationen Australien..

Antigua - Market

Kategori: Allmänt

We went to this humongous market in Antigua. It was defenitely the best market we have seen in the whole of Central America! It would take you days or even weeks to walk through and look at everything. At this section they sold handcraft and Mayan/Guatemalan fabrics and clothes. 
the meat sections lasted forever, chicken (dead or alive) all sorts of fish and meat in every shape. 
the fish section didn't smell that good. Usch och fy! fisk avdelningen låg btw bredvid bh avdelningen, haha vet inte riktigt hur de tänkte där...
Rice, beans, spices and eeeh dog food...
some of the fruits and shoes outside the market. I wish we could show you pictures of the beautiful fruit and flower market or the weird costume market in where we tried clothes on for hours;) but you had to be really careful with your camera, kids grabbing things from your pockets and hands was quite common and the markets were extremely crowded and at some points I felt a bit claustrophobic. 
After eating lots of weird things and buying fresh beautiful fruit we started to look for a way out of the market, that took a while. This is the wonderful view we got to enjoy every day, a bit blurry but i love this photo anyway...


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