Here our family and friends can follow our adventures traveling the world! Här kan ni följa med på vår resa genom Amerika, central Amerika, tropiska öar och slutdestinationen Australien..

San cristobal de las casas

Kategori: Allmänt

Nice little street parade woke us up on our first morning going past the window.
A decent size skyrocket almost came straight in the window! Fireworks were going off constantly the whole week end.
On our morning walk I found a little friend...
This is the walk to the church on the opposite side of the city which had an amazing view of the city and surrounding mountains.
we met two angry birds on our way up to the church.
We sat down on the hill outside the church enjoying the sun and the view.
Nice little community gym out the back of the church is one of the first public recreational facilities we have seen. Healthy living is not a priority in Central America.
We headed back to the market to have a look around and both stopped when we saw the most beautiful dream catcher! So we took it as a sign and bought it to help Påågy with all her crazy dreams.
Had to stop and try some of the local treats that were all 5 pesos each! Before buying some veggies and cheese for tonight's dinner. The best one was a square made of peanuts; absolutely delicious! 
Ate some home made chips, horrible honey soaked funky local berries and beautiful fruits at the markets.
Stopped at the theater to see what was going on and caught the last part of a Mexican dance performance which was very interesting. 


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