Here our family and friends can follow our adventures traveling the world! Här kan ni följa med på vår resa genom Amerika, central Amerika, tropiska öar och slutdestinationen Australien..

Mexico- San christobal de las casas

Kategori: Allmänt

After a 16 hour horrible bus ride with two Mexican guys behind us spitting on the floor every fifth minute, sitting next to the stinky toilet and with a fat lady in the seat in front of us who literally crossed our legs with her seat pushed all the way down. On swollen feet we stumbled out of the bus and had no idea how to walk to our hostel, with no map or adress. A guy handing out flyers in the bus station stopped Matthew and lucky us he knew exactly where our hostel was located! 
We walked 8 blocks to get to our hostel and we were immediately amazed by the city, and couldn't care less about the heavy backpacks. 
After leaving the backpacks in our new hostel Puerto Vieja where we got a really nice room for only 250 pesos a night we took off to explore the city. here above is the restaurant street. 
Lucky us there was a big music and art festival going on so there was lots of interesting things to look at, here they've put plastic up so the city's graffiti artists can paint as much as they want.
It was very cool to see the beautiful view and the ruff colorful graffiti at the same time.
We were starving so we went to a vegetarian buffé. 
A lentil and green bean soup as a starter.
Lots of vegetables, different dressings and a dark homemade bread. Som vi hade väntat på att äntligen få äta nyttigt och färska grönsaker! 


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